Deep Dive Into SSH Commit Signing
I recently worked on an implementation of SSH commit signing for the Git Patch Stack open source project. While I was able to figure out what was needed to be done in order for me to complete the feature, it left me with the desire to learn more about the subject.
Coding’s Unexpected Journeys
A few years back, I had the pleasure of interacting with APIs built by the three credit bureaus in the US, which was pure joy. Following their cryptic documentation was fun, but once we navigated through that, the good times really started rolling. Turned out, the actual payloads we received from them were often very different from their docs, which broke our integration.
NPM 1Password Plugin - Parsing existing config
After creating the basic flow of creating a secret token from scratch, we tackle the part of parsing an existing .npmrc
NPM 1Password Plugin - Adding needsAuth
So we have our basic implementation of the plugin, now it’s time to make it better. This next step is pretty short and straight forward. We need to describe in the plugin which commands in our NPM CLI would require auth from 1password.
Creating an NPM 1Password shell plugin
I love 1Password. I especially love their CLI integration with shell plugins. Recently, I decided to dedicate some of my time to contribute to open source projects that I find interesting, so I naturally started looking at the tools I use daily.
Resilient Faktory K8S Deployment
My current project heavily relies on background Faktory jobs, which are mission-critical. We have multiple Faktory workers (clients) in our K8S cluster that pull the queued jobs, providing ample resiliency. Given the crucial nature of successfully enqueueing the jobs for our application, we’ve identified a potential issue with having a single Faktory server, and we were hoping to address this concern.
Moving the cursor to active window
I have a long history of wrist and finger issues ever since I started on my coding career. Being a climber doesn’t help. With the influence of a co-worker I made the move about 6 months ago to use NeoVim (instead of VSCode) and created my custom Dactyl-ManuForm keyboard. I feel like I fell in love with coding all over again. I love improving and customizing my workflow, so it felt very natural and exciting.
Resolving Repetitive Git Conflicts
At my company’s codebase, we have a couple of files that always generate merge conflicts. Repetitively solving those conflicts just seems like a terrible waste of time.
The Truck Company Story
The CEO of my company likes to use analogies to make a point, so I thought it would be fitting for me to dedicate this post to her, and follow one analogy to try and explain some coding related principals to “non tech savvy” types.